我的前教練JEFF的教練TIM CARTMELL, (算師爺級的嘍! XD )
歷經了黑帶九年, 共17年的巴西柔術生涯,拿下了他黑帶的第三槓,並且TIM師爺仍不斷地一週六天持續教學與練習,真是一個好榜樣哩!



Congratulations to @[535898744:2048:Tim Cartmell] on receiving his 3rd degree from Cleber Luciano tonight. That's nine years of dedication as a black belt and seventeen years of jiu jitsu overall. Tim has been on the mat training and teaching six days a week the whole way. 

Come to class and Tim will show you excellent technique. Follow Tim's example and learn what it takes to be truly great.

Congratulations to Tim Cartmell on receiving his 3rd degree from Cleber Luciano tonight. That's nine years of dedication as a black belt and seventeen years of jiu jitsu overall. Tim has been on the mat training and teaching six days a week the whole way.

Come to class and Tim will show you excellent technique. Follow Tim's example and learn what it takes to be truly great.

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    敖喬西 Josie Ao

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