
PRO Fighting MMA第9季 "決戰英雄" (5月25日)--Heroes Collide-- @LUXY
地點 Location: Luxy 台北市忠孝東路四段201號5樓

5F, No. 201, Sec. 4, Zhong-Xiao E. Road, Taipei, Taiwan 106



世界發展最迅速的運動終於又回來台北了!! 台灣帕西法克綜合搏擊即將為您帶來另一場驚心動魄, 充滿震撼張力的綜合格鬥藝術--.就在五月25號禮拜天!! 我們將在台北 Luxy 舉辦PRO FC9, “決戰英雄”, 比賽16位來自10個國家的武術高手 將會在訂製的八角擂台內比劃較勁, 準備好看到完美的KO, 精彩的摔技 及巧妙的SUBMISSIONS!! 來幫這些新興的台灣英雄加油!! 同時體驗緊張刺激紓解壓力的最嗨氣氛 加上好喝的美酒助興與最 先進的配樂 還有還有最火辣最正的舉牌女郎!!!!!!!

The fastest growing sport int the world is back in Taipei!!! Taiwan’s premiere MMA organization, Pacific Rim Organized Fighting Championship is proud to bring you another intense & action-packed Mixed Martial Arts showcase. On Sunday May 25th, 2014 @Luxy get ready for PRO FC9, “Heroes Collide”, featuring 16 fighters from 10 different countries, set to throwdown in 8 REAL MMA matches set in 1 custom caged octagon. As always, this show is guaranteed to be an edge-of-your-seat, heart pounding, thrill ride! Be on the lookout for breathtaking knockouts, insane takedowns, & unbelievable submissions!! Come support these modern day warriors & experience an atmosphere like no other in the world, with incredible sports action, a full bar, special performances, pumpin’ music & of course our Sexy Knockout Ring Girls!!! DON’T MISS OUT!!! PRO Fighting MMA is Real Mixed Martial Arts.....Real Sports Entertainment!!!


台灣英雄/ LOCAL BASED FIGHTERS: 黃育仁 (Jeff “The Machine” Huang)/ 張景雄 “金鋼刀“ (Zhang Jing Xiong)/ 張政杰 (Frogman)/ Florian Garel

國際選手/ INT'L FIGHTERS: Will “The Kill” Chope (UFC Veteran)/ Don Carlo-Clauss (Strikeforce & Bellator)/ Koji Takeuchi (Shooto & Deep)/ Moon Gibum (Road FC)/ Georgios Serganis/ Luke "The Jedi" Jumeau (AFC & Legend FC)/ John Vake/ Mark Abelardo (AFC)/ Scotty Eclavia (PXC)/ Jared Mellon (PXC & Trench Warz Welterweight Champion) 

特別裁判/ SPECIAL GUEST REFEREE: 台灣英雄/ Taiwan National Hero --- 余靖 “Gene Yu” (Founder of Flow MMA)

*General Admission 站票區: 600NT + 1 FREE drink
*Ringside Sections 座位區: 1600NT + 1 FREE drink
*Limited Front Row 貴賓席: 2500NT + 1 FREE drink

***VIP Box Seats -RSVP- VIP包廂請來電洽詢: FOR TICKETS/BOX SEATS/INFO CALL: 0978-908-509

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PRO 8 精彩回顧

這算是在台灣較具規模的總合格鬥賽事,一路辦下來也來到了第九屆,主辦單位邀請來自台灣、美國、澳洲、日本、韓國等地的好手一同在鐵籠中較勁,這次台灣選手目前公佈的有張政杰、張景雄二位,並且還有邀請到Will "The Kill" Chope等多位MMA好手一同參與,謝謝主辦單位推廣總合格鬥MMA的用心;同時請注意!以往貴賓席的票券通常開賣一週內即一掃而空,而其他區域的入場券也會在開戰前被搶購一空(票價從2500~X00不等,請洽官方),想要前往觀戰的夥伴們,請鎖定好購票專線或是向各地的MMA武館洽詢先行購票,活動當天現場存活的站票...似乎為"零",別撲空了,去搶票吧!

PRO Fighting MMA 第9集 帕西法剋綜合搏擊 --

GET YOUR TIX STARTING 4/25!!! 4月25日開賣!!






Taiwan's 1-0 lightweight fighter "Frogman" 張政杰of Tough MMA will be looking to make his 2nd appearance in PRO FC on May 25th, set to face off with fellow 1-0 lightweight from Penang Top Team a la Stockholm, Georgios Serganis. 張made an impressive debut in PRO FC 7, after convincingly finishing his opponent via RNC halfway through the first round. He has a tough task ahead of him in Georgios Serganis, who defeated his last opponent via TKO.


Unfortunate news was received early this morning, reporting that MMA standout Jeremy Kennedy of Team Quest Thailand will not be able to compete against UFC veteran Will Chope on May 25th in Taipei, Taiwan, after suffering severe injuries from a hit and run automobile accident on his way to training last night. His coach Joel Bowen stated that doctors expect a full recovery, however he will not be able to recover in time for the PRO FC 9 card at the end of May. Injuries include an estimated 150 stitches to the head and a fractured orbital. Royal Chiou, founder of PRO Fighting stated, "This is tragic & devastating to anybody, let alone a rising MMA talent like Kennedy. Jeremy is a tough kid and we can't wait to have him fight for us in the future on another card. For now I just hope he takes the proper time off to let his wounds heal bc even now, while lying in the hospital bed, he's still saying he's going to fight Chope next month." Chiou also mentioned that this wasn't the first time a foreign fighter in Thailand has been involved in an automobile accident, while preparing for an upcoming match. In the meantime, we all wish Jeremy Kennedy a speedy recovery!! And, with just under 6 weeks to go, the PRO FC is now looking for an opponent to fill in this vacancy and fight the World's tallest featherweight, Will Chope (19-6), on May 25th in Taiwan.
相片:Unfortunate news was received early this morning, reporting that MMA standout Jeremy Kennedy of Team Quest Thailand will not be able to compete against UFC veteran Will Chope on May 25th in Taipei, Taiwan, after suffering severe injuries from a hit and run automobile accident on his way to training last night. His coach Joel Bowen stated that doctors expect a full recovery, however he will not be able to recover in time for the PRO FC 9 card at the end of May. Injuries include an estimated 150 stitches to the head and a fractured orbital. Royal Chiou, founder of PRO Fighting stated, "This is tragic & devastating to anybody, let alone a rising MMA talent like Kennedy. Jeremy is a tough kid and we can't wait to have him fight for us in the future on another card. For now I just hope he takes the proper time off to let his wounds heal bc even now, while lying in the hospital bed, he's still saying he's going to fight Chope next month." Chiou also mentioned that this wasn't the first time a foreign fighter in Thailand has been involved in an automobile accident, while preparing for an upcoming match. In the meantime, we all wish Jeremy Kennedy a speedy recovery!! And, with just under 6 weeks to go, the PRO FC is now looking for an opponent to fill in this vacancy and fight the World's tallest featherweight, Will Chope (19-6), on May 25th in Taiwan.

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: PRO FC is proud to welcome Will "The Kill" Chope back to the cage as he is set to fight up and comer Jeremy Kennedy, representing Team Quest Thailand. This is for sure to be an action-packed featherweight match up on 5/25's PRO FC 9 fight card. Stay tuned for more.....

4月1日 NEWS
目前台灣知名格鬥選手張景雄“金鋼刀”有可能會回到PRO FC的擂台上。他5/25的對手,法國的空手道黑帶選手Florian Garel。想看嗎?除了準備這場比賽以外 這兩位選手在五月也都開始準備要當新手老爸了!

想要爭豔的女孩,也別錯過RING GIRL的選拔嘍!


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    敖喬西 Josie Ao

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