The first ever Central Taiwan Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Open (中臺灣巴西柔術公開賽) is going down May 12! It's a great chance to practice competing in a tournament, so come on down and take part!
Date: Sunday, May 12th. 2013
Weigh-ins: 9:30 am - 10:30 am
Start time: 11:00 am
Registration deadline: Friday, May 10th, 2013
Email: to register
Fee: NT$300 to compete, FREE to watch!
BJJ CompIBJJF rules and weight classes
賽後聚餐:BBQ HOUSE台中
過磅 Weight classes |
本次比賽為白帶組&藍帶組道袍賽事,故過磅時需著道袍 :) Weight classes will be as follows for white and blue belts, and competitors weigh-in with the Gi on: 蠅量級 64公斤以下 / light feather-under 64kg 若該量級人數不足,將有併量級比賽之狀況,請尊重這個比賽並且控制好你的體重管理唷 :) |
從下列圖中顯示, 從台中火車站走路到比賽地點約17分鐘, 或是你們可以考慮共乘計程車
From A(Taichung Train Station) walk to B(Location) about 17mins
台鐵時刻表Taiwan Railways Timetable Info:
新竹開車:08:10 / 抵達:09:15 / 共計:01小時05分
新竹開車:08:50 / 抵達:09:44 / 共計:00小時54分
Tze-Chiang Limited Express
Train Code 105 / From Qidu to Kaohsiung
Hsinchu Departure 08:10 / Taichung Arrival:09:15
Estimated Time: 1h 5m
Tze-Chiang Limited Express
Train Code 111 / From Qidu to Kaohsiung
Hsinchu Departure 08:50 / Taichung Arrival:09:44
Estimated Time: 0h 54m
Price NT$197
The first ever Central Taiwan Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Open (中臺灣巴西柔術公開賽) is going down May 12! It's a great chance to practice competing in a tournament, so come on down and take part!
Date: Sunday, May 12th. 2013
Weigh-ins: 9:30 am - 10:30 am
Start time: 11:00 am
Registration deadline: Friday, May 10th, 2013
Email: to register
Fee: NT$300 to compete, FREE to watch!
BJJ CompIBJJF rules and weight classes