The greatest Martial Arts Competition Under the Heavens.
比賽形式 Competition Style
比賽形式 Competition Style
This competition concept is created to encourage competitors to defend or attack focusing only on submissions. Team style tournaments can often be seen at Judo events, so why not Jiu Jitsu or Submission Grappling? For the team competition, there will be a coin toss between competing teams before the start of each battle, with the winning team getting first pick of who fights. 2 points for a win -2 points for a loss, and 0 points for a tie. The team with the most points will be crowded submission masters of Formosa, and will win The Submission Sword Of Destiny!
武術年限區分為:新人組1-2年,進階組2-4年、精英組5年以上 (包含總合格鬥、柔道、角力、桑搏或是其他寢技類)
This year there will be a sword, trophies, and medals for the best submissions, team, and individuals! The team weight classes will be open weight and the beginner and intermediate classes will be -65,-75,-85, 85 and above. The women's division will be open weight. Grappling experience levels are as follows: Beginner 1-2 yrs, intermediate 2-4 yrs, elite team 5 plus years, or MMA, Judo, Wrestling, Sambo or other combat grappling.
報名方式 Registration
早鳥票 11/15以前 團體組NT$1600,個人組500
Early bird Registration before Nov 15th- 1600/Team and 500/individual
11/28以前報名 團體NT$2000,個人NT$600
Regular registration before Nov 28th - 2000/Team and 600/individual
For individual and team registration have your team coach/instructor email your team list to Please include: full name, belt color, club affiliation, instructor, experience level
地點 Venue
台中柔道協進會柔道館 台中市中區興中街90號
Taichung Judo Hall #90 Xing Zhong Jie, Taichung City, Taiwan.
過磅 Weigh-ins
10:00am- 1100am
服裝要求 Grappling Attire
Must have tight fitting rash guard and shorts. No cups.
武術年限區分為:新人組1-2年,進階組2-4年、精英組5年以上 (包含總合格鬥、柔道、角力、桑搏或是其他寢技類)
This year there will be a sword, trophies, and medals for the best submissions, team, and individuals! The team weight classes will be open weight and the beginner and intermediate classes will be -65,-75,-85, 85 and above. The women's division will be open weight. Grappling experience levels are as follows: Beginner 1-2 yrs, intermediate 2-4 yrs, elite team 5 plus years, or MMA, Judo, Wrestling, Sambo or other combat grappling.
報名方式 Registration
早鳥票 11/15以前 團體組NT$1600,個人組500
Early bird Registration before Nov 15th- 1600/Team and 500/individual
11/28以前報名 團體NT$2000,個人NT$600
Regular registration before Nov 28th - 2000/Team and 600/individual
For individual and team registration have your team coach/instructor email your team list to Please include: full name, belt color, club affiliation, instructor, experience level
地點 Venue
台中柔道協進會柔道館 台中市中區興中街90號
Taichung Judo Hall #90 Xing Zhong Jie, Taichung City, Taiwan.
過磅 Weigh-ins
10:00am- 1100am
服裝要求 Grappling Attire
Must have tight fitting rash guard and shorts. No cups.
比賽規則和回合時間 Competition Rules and Match Times
回合時間 Match time:
新人組/女子組 5分鐘 / 延長賽1分鐘 Beginner/ Women -5 minute match time. Overtime - 1 minute
進階組 6分鐘 / 延長賽2分鐘 Intermediate - 6 minute. Overtime - 2 minutes
精菁組 15分鐘 / 延長賽2分鐘 Elite Team- 15 minute. Overtime 2 minutes
進入延長賽時將延續之前對戰位置或動作 Overtime - the competitors will be notified that overtime has commenced, the competitors will continue in the same position , they will not be reset standing.
比賽規則- 何謂獲勝(新人組/進階組和女子組) RULES - HOW TO WIN- Beginner/Intermediate/Women's divisions
降伏對手或以得分勝,優勢只判給進行降伏技但卻未成功的動作 Win by submission or advantage points for submission attempts ( advantages given only for failed submission attempts )
回合時間 Match time:
新人組/女子組 5分鐘 / 延長賽1分鐘 Beginner/ Women -5 minute match time. Overtime - 1 minute
進階組 6分鐘 / 延長賽2分鐘 Intermediate - 6 minute. Overtime - 2 minutes
精菁組 15分鐘 / 延長賽2分鐘 Elite Team- 15 minute. Overtime 2 minutes
進入延長賽時將延續之前對戰位置或動作 Overtime - the competitors will be notified that overtime has commenced, the competitors will continue in the same position , they will not be reset standing.
比賽規則- 何謂獲勝(新人組/進階組和女子組) RULES - HOW TO WIN- Beginner/Intermediate/Women's divisions
降伏對手或以得分勝,優勢只判給進行降伏技但卻未成功的動作 Win by submission or advantage points for submission attempts ( advantages given only for failed submission attempts )
當一方以拍打、口頭或是製造噪音等方式表達,即會被判定另一方降伏成功 If a person taps physically or verbally, makes a noise in response to a submission it will be considered a tap or if the referee stops the match for safety reasons.
當一方以拍打、口頭或是製造噪音等方式表達,即會被判定另一方降伏成功 If a person taps physically or verbally, makes a noise in response to a submission it will be considered a tap or if the referee stops the match for safety reasons.
優勢定義 ADVANTAGES - Definition
降伏對手或以得分勝,優勢只判給進行降伏技但卻未成功的動作Advantages are awarded only for submission attempts, providing there is a visible defense and the defender is in visible danger of being submitted.
選手必須持續的進攻或防手,直到執行降伏技失敗時才會獲得優勢分數The player under attack is required to defend an attack before an advantage will be be awarded and after the submission attempt has failed..
降伏對手或以得分勝,優勢只判給進行降伏技但卻未成功的動作Advantages are awarded only for submission attempts, providing there is a visible defense and the defender is in visible danger of being submitted.
選手必須持續的進攻或防手,直到執行降伏技失敗時才會獲得優勢分數The player under attack is required to defend an attack before an advantage will be be awarded and after the submission attempt has failed..
任何位置的控制或摔技皆不會得到分數 No points are awarded for any positions including takedowns.
任何位置的控制或摔技皆不會得到分數 No points are awarded for any positions including takedowns.
當雙方平手時,延長賽時間將依各級別不同,並且從原動作繼續進行賽事 In case of a draw , a defined overtime will be allocated depending on the belt, at the overtime mark the match will continue from the current position ( players will not be reset ) , players will be notified by the referee that the overtime has commenced.
若延長賽後再度平手,則將判給較積極攻擊的一方,而在精菁組賽事中則雙方為零分 If there is still a draw the referee will decide who the most aggressive fighter was based on submission attempts and match control. For the Elite tournament, both teams receive 0 points for a draw.
在這場賽事中也使用IBJJF的比賽罰則,合法與不合法動作將取決於選手的帶別 IBJJF penalties and rules will be followed for the competition and applied as per IBJJF rule book.
All legal and illegal techniques apply as per belt.
例子1.新人組不能做扭轉腕關節 Example 1. Wrist locks are illegal for beginners
例子2.砸摔將直接取消資格 Example 2.Slamming is an automatic disqualification
例子3. 進階組以下不能折腳趾 Example 3. Toe holds are illegal for intermediate and below.
例子4. 禁止在防禦中進行扭轉頸椎 Example 4 ; Can openers are illegal from the guard
當雙方平手時,延長賽時間將依各級別不同,並且從原動作繼續進行賽事 In case of a draw , a defined overtime will be allocated depending on the belt, at the overtime mark the match will continue from the current position ( players will not be reset ) , players will be notified by the referee that the overtime has commenced.
若延長賽後再度平手,則將判給較積極攻擊的一方,而在精菁組賽事中則雙方為零分 If there is still a draw the referee will decide who the most aggressive fighter was based on submission attempts and match control. For the Elite tournament, both teams receive 0 points for a draw.
在這場賽事中也使用IBJJF的比賽罰則,合法與不合法動作將取決於選手的帶別 IBJJF penalties and rules will be followed for the competition and applied as per IBJJF rule book.
All legal and illegal techniques apply as per belt.
例子1.新人組不能做扭轉腕關節 Example 1. Wrist locks are illegal for beginners
例子2.砸摔將直接取消資格 Example 2.Slamming is an automatic disqualification
例子3. 進階組以下不能折腳趾 Example 3. Toe holds are illegal for intermediate and below.
例子4. 禁止在防禦中進行扭轉頸椎 Example 4 ; Can openers are illegal from the guard
新手組和進階組中允許腳部的直線攻擊 Straight foot locks are allowed in beginner and intermediate.
REAPING Will only apply in a standing position when a foot lock is being applied, it will not apply if a foot-lock is not being attempted.
Reaping on the ground will apply anytime the leg is across the body past the bellybutton.
新手組和進階組中允許腳部的直線攻擊 Straight foot locks are allowed in beginner and intermediate.
REAPING Will only apply in a standing position when a foot lock is being applied, it will not apply if a foot-lock is not being attempted.
Reaping on the ground will apply anytime the leg is across the body past the bellybutton.
降伏對手或以得分勝,優勢只判給進行降伏技但卻未成功的動作,並且對手是嚐試努力去抵抗被降伏時An advantage point for a submission attempt is given when an athlete is attempting to submit his opponent and the submission fails but the opponent was in visible danger and was required to use effort to defend the attack to prevent being submitted.
降伏對手或以得分勝,優勢只判給進行降伏技但卻未成功的動作,並且對手是嚐試努力去抵抗被降伏時An advantage point for a submission attempt is given when an athlete is attempting to submit his opponent and the submission fails but the opponent was in visible danger and was required to use effort to defend the attack to prevent being submitted.
備註 NOTE:
把對手降伏前而被對方脫逃可獲得一個優勢。The main criteria for an advantage to be awarded by the referee is " VISIBLE DEFENCE and VISIBLE DANGER " if a player is applying a submission and the submission being applied is forcing the opponent to defend putting him in visible danger of being submitted then an advantage is awarded.
把對手降伏前而被對方脫逃可獲得一個優勢。The main criteria for an advantage to be awarded by the referee is " VISIBLE DEFENCE and VISIBLE DANGER " if a player is applying a submission and the submission being applied is forcing the opponent to defend putting him in visible danger of being submitted then an advantage is awarded.
檢視較大的地圖 、 Taichung, Taiwan
檢視較大的地圖 、 Taichung, Taiwan
地圖 · 路線
The winning team will be taking this authentic, original Submission Sword of Destiny back to their club to be proudly displayed. Register now!
