We are proud to announce that we will be hosting a seminar with 2013 Absolute Champion & current number 1 male Black belt competitor in the world,Marcus “Buchecha” Almeida.
Marcus “Buchecha” Almeida Seminar
6X World Champion
4x Pan American Champion
2x ADCC Champion
March 22nd, 2014
12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Limited Space Available, Register Now!
All Academies & Schools are welcome to attend
$100 Before March 7th, 2014
Register Here: http://clients.mindbodyonline.com/ws.asp?studioid=23279&stype=-8&sTG=25&sVT=9&sView=day&sTrn=100000018
4450 Bordentown Ave.
Old Bridge, NJ 08857
(732) 651-6611