亞洲MMA最大組織ONE FC公佈了接下來的三場賽事

2012-02-11 印尼 (JAKARTA位於 KELAPA GADING運動中心)

2012-03-31 新加坡 (新加坡室內體運館)

2012-04-27 馬來西亞 (位於吉隆坡的Negara體育場)


ONE FC announces its next 3 events!

24 Oct 2011


ONE Fighting Championship is happy to announce its next 3 events:

Feb 11, 2012:  Jakarta, Indonesia at Kelapa Gading Sports Mall

March 31, 2012:  Singapore, Singapore at the Singapore Indoor Stadium

April 27, 2012:  Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia at the Stadium Negara

Stay tuned for the explosive fight cards!


    敖喬西 Josie Ao 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()