ONE FC 2 fight card shaping up (更新updated)
ONE FIGHTING 格鬥錦標賽 2 之 「英雄之戰」 將於 2012年2月11日在印尼的雅加達舉行。第二次的宣傳將著重在最好的打擊選手上,包含了Ole Laursen(歐爾勞爾森 暫譯)與Felipe Enomoto(菲利佩榎 暫譯)的比賽和其他賽事的部份。
ONE Fighting Championship 2 “Battle of Heroes” is scheduled on February 11, in Jakarta, Indonesia. The second installment of the promotion will feature some of the best strikers in the business, Ole Laursen taking on Felipe Enomoto and some other action packed match ups.
歐爾勞爾森最終將在ONE FC對上費利佩榎。
Ole Laursen will finally make his ONE FC debut against Felipe Enomoto.

勞爾森的第一場計劃在2011年9月時即已安排,讓他對上他的菲律賓同胞,有MMA戰鬥機之稱的Eduard Folayang(愛德華 暫譯),但卻在比賽的三星期前,勞爾森膝蓋受傷迫使得暫停這場與愛德華的賽事。
Laursen is first scheduled to fight in the inaugural show of ONE FC back on September of 2011 against his fellow Filipino mma fighter, Eduard Folayang. But three weeks before his scheduld clash with Folayang, Laursen suffered a knee injury that forced him to pull out from making his ONE FC debut against Folayang.
而這次2月11日勞爾森的ONE FC,將與他登場對戰的是菲利佩榎的弟弟,M-1全球次中量級冠軍Yasubey Enomoto。這次菲利佩將試圖結束他前2場輸給勞爾森的比賽。
Looking to spoil Laursen’s ONE FC debut on February 11th is Felipe Enomoto, the younger brother of M-1 Global welterweight champion, Yasubey Enomoto. Felipe will try to end his 2-game losing skid against Laursen.
籠鬥冠軍賽的最輕量級冠軍 Gustavo Falciroli (古斯塔沃 暫譯)將韓國神童金洙哲對戰。
Cage Fighting Championship’s Bantamweight Champion, Gustavo Falciroli will face Korean prodigy, Soo Chul Kim.

另外在ONE FC 2,新添加了一場賽事由巴西柔術黑帶三段的Rolles Gracie Jr. (洛斯格雷西二世 暫譯)戰績5勝1敗,對上K-1的老將Robert Malcolm(羅伯特馬爾科姆“鮑伯”塞普)戰績11勝9敗。
Also in the card for ONE FC 2, the recently added match up between 3rd degree BJJ black belt, Rolles Gracie Jr. (5-1) taking on a behemoth K-1 veteran, Robert Malcolm “Bob” Sapp(11-9).

另一個備受矚目的賽事是前URCC最輕量級冠軍外號「終結者」的Jessie rafols(傑西 暫譯)和Ngoo Ditty被加到ONE FC的雅加達賽事中。
Another highly anticipated match up between former URCC bantamweight champion, Jessie “The Finisher” Rafols and Ngoo Ditty is added to ONE FC Jakarta, Indonesia card.

*更新 - 因Ngoo Ditty遭遇了一場摩托車車禍,因此只好把他從他們的原訂計劃中取消;而傑西也確認了要與來自台灣的選手對戰。
*Update – Jessie Rafols told MMAOrient that Ngoo Ditty suffered a motorcycle accident that pulled him out from their scheduled fight. Rafols also confirmed us that a Taiwanese fighter, Sung Min Yen took Ditty’s spot.
此外ONE FC又增加了一場賽事,這將是Lakay隊中號稱「Gravity地心引力」的Geje Eustaquio 和來自於Evolve MMA巴西柔術黑帶的Alex Silva(亞歷克斯席爾瓦 暫譯)對戰。
PS. 左方圖片選手...怎麼長得那麼像BEN STILLER班史提勒
One more match up has been added to ONE FC 2 fight card. It will be a Flyweight fight between Team Lakay’s Geje “Gravity” Eustaquio and Alex Silva, a BJJ black belt from Evolve MMA. Although this fight is not yet confirmed by both camps, our sources informed us that there is a huge chance that this fight will happen.
ONE FC announced that the full fight card of their Jakarta, Indonesia event will come out this week.
Thus far, those are the bouts rumored and reported on for the upcoming ONE FC 2 card in Jakarta, Indonesia.