IBJJF 2011 Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) “Mundials” World Jiu Jitsu Championship Results
2011 IBJJF World Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Championship Results
【團體積分】Academy Results:
IBJJF 2011 Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) “Mundials” World Jiu Jitsu Championship Results
2011 IBJJF World Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Championship Results
【團體積分】Academy Results:
Over 30 people from four schools showed up to compete in the inter-club disaster relief tournament on April 10, 2010 at the Minsheng Community Center in Taipei. There were a lot of good matches and everyone went home with some good tournament experience.
Rocky Lee from Taiwan BJJ took home the gold in the blue belt heavy weight division. Antonio from Tough MMA walked away with first for the white belt light-weight division. Sam, also of Tough, took gold in the white belt middle-weight class. Akira was the winner of white belt hevy-weight division.
Taiwan BJJ is hosting an inter-club gi-only tournament on Sunday, April 10, 2011. All BJJ/grappling clubs are welcome to participate. All entry fees collected will go to a charity in Japan to help with the earthquake/tsunami relief efforts there.
All BJJ/grappling schools welcome. Gi-only competition.
Comp fee: NT$300 (All proceeds to be donated to a Japan charity).
Weigh-in at 12:00, matches start at 13:00.
一、台灣武道館(A、B隊) 六、巨火力格鬥館 十一、淡水散打委員會
二、TOUGH MMA 七、北投武術同好會 十二、陸軍官校
三、TBJJ台灣巴西柔術學院 八、協和拳館 十三、極心格鬥學院
四、TMMA台北格鬥運動館 九、屏東縣來義高中 十四、朝陽科技大學
搜狐體育訊 北京時間2月28,UFC第127期終極格鬥賽昨日戰罷,主賽“神童”B.J.佩恩浴血苦戰三局與對手喬-菲奇戰平,中國 UFC第一人、草原狼張鐵泉在墊場賽中首回合48秒閃電降服對手,奪出征UFC拳台首場勝利。英國紳士伯爵比斯平重拳TKO戰勝對手。
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