ONE FC又一震撼亞洲MMA的新聞---與日本MMA最大的組織~DREAM簽訂合作!!!明年ONE FC聯盟的比賽已確定至少有40場!!!!!!超級驚人數字仍在持續上升中!!!!!!!!太厲害了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
在這裡要很感謝ONE FC對於台灣TOUGH MMA的肯定與支持,我們也正在加緊訓練和行程規劃中,相信接下來的賽事也會讓台灣選手再一次的備受注目!FIGHTING!!!!!!
DREAM and OneFC Partner Up Plus Other HUGE News
Written by MMA-JAPAN Friday, 18 November 2011 16:37
There we have it - DREAM and OneFC have a partnership. Sources out of Japan confirmed with MMA-JAPAN that the two organizations have indeed agreed to a partnership. Here is the scope of it:
Both sides have agreed to a copromotion at the Singapore Indoor Stadium in March.
A couple of DREAM fighters will be on the February OneFC card Indonesia.
DREAM should have 4-6 shows in 2012 - a big uptick from last year
OneFC will do 8-12 shows across Asia
The OneFC Network will now have at least 40 shows in 2012
The OneFC Network has now signed another 21 EXCLUSIVE partners to it's network bringing it to a total of 38 of the top Asian MMA promotions and gyms in Asia, or 90% of this. These include gyms and promotions of the largest MMA brands in Asia.
90% of all eligible Asian fighters are now under the OneFC umbrella - impressive numbers here!
The Asian MMA Summit which will be lead by Victor Cui will be held in Singapore the week of the 21 of November. All the huge players in Asian MMA will be attending.