2012 國際巴西柔術公開賽


Date: 2012-07-21&22
Time: 09:00AM
Weight in過磅: 09:30AM
Locatino: 台大綜合體育館(台北市羅斯福路四段1號)
NTU Sport Center (No.1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei)
MRT: 捷運公館站 Gongguan Station Exit 3 (walk to location about 10min)
Bus: (公務人力發展中心站) 松江幹線、敦化幹線、0南、52、207、253、280、284、290、311藍、505、642、668、675、907

【7/21 GI 巴柔道袍賽事】
64KG White Belt 簡智源
70KG White Belt 陳建華
76KG White Belt 黃證愷
82KG White Belt 陳仁浩

【7/22 NO-GI 巴柔無道袍賽事】
63KG Beginner 余仁裕
63KG Advanced 張恆睿、黃柏宇、徐仕瑾
70KG Beginner Steve Schultz
70KG Advanced 陳建華
77KG Beginner 黃證愷
88KG Beginner 陳仁浩
88+KG Beginner Louis Saayman

2012 Taiwan International BJJ / No-Gi Tournament in this weekend, please go and watch the match, but if you can go that you also can go to Tough MMA gym for open mat.

By the way, unfortunately the girl fighters are few, Jennifer and Maryke have no competitor so that they can't fight.

To all fighters: 7/21 & 7/22 we meet in NTU Sport Center (Judo Room) 09:00AM

    敖喬西 Josie Ao 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()